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09 Oct 2023

Are boards being shortchanged by board evaluation reviews?

By David Levenson

The problem with board evaluation surveys, which are usually produced by consultants, is not only that they are lengthy, but they are also very generic.


It’s Monday morning, and you are surveying your diary for the week. As a busy non-executive director (NED) on the board of three different organisations, you have a number of meetings lined up which are about fulfilling your governance responsibilities including on board committees. An email pops into your inbox from the Head of Governance of one of the housing associations where you are a NED asking you to complete a questionnaire whose stated purpose is to evaluate the performance of the board.

If like me you have received such an email as a NED, you may have experienced a sinking feeling as you start reading the survey questions. And as you resolve to complete the questionnaire by the deadline requested, you move it to the electronic “to be done later” pile for when you have some spare time…

Are housing boards being shortchanged by board evaluation reviews?